From the album submissions: Corrupt Autopilot

Take a listen to Corrupt Autopilot and you’ll wonder why the band hasn’t been invited over to your house yet. Or maybe they have… perhaps yours is the ‘Quiet House’ they’re referring to in the album opener (streaming below) of trash rock anthems ‘Oh No!’

In a clear ode to grungey 90s bands like Mudhoney and old, old Weezer (the Blue record of course), the trio have recreated the decade in all its garage rock majesty. Through eight tracks of messy awesomeness, the NY group transcends the past two decades and even finds time to discuss Panda blood along the way (nice!). I’d say… if you can’t invite them over to your place, the least you can do is power this record through your speakers, and maybe break out the flannel again while you’re at it.- Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)

This band submitted their music for review here