Hunters land on the cover of The Village Voice, play Death By Audio on 12.11

We are big fans of Hunters (their latest EP was our Record of the month in February 2012) and it’s great to see them on the cover of The Village Voice – big, big thumbs up to the free NYC weekly for picking one of the best (and still very underrated) emerging local bands. The duo plays what could be described as "primal noise rock that makes sense" – i.e. noisy songs rather than just a random accumulation of noise and out of tune vocals. Hunters recently shared stages with Montreal’s buzz band Metz and will be playing live in NYC on December 11 at Death By Audio – do not miss!

P.S. We wonder if Hunters will post the news about this cover on their Facebook profile or website (not for now). Sometimes these indie bands are a little self conscious or I-don’t-know-what – modest? pretend they don’t care?. When they do it to us (it happened recently with Foxygen – YOU BRILLIANT BASTARDS!!!) it always hurts like hell. But we are a baby publication with immature staff and constant need for promotion, The Village Voice probably won’t care about that stuff. Or will it? Anyway, one day we’ll have to write an article about bands too cool to promote themselves… funny thing is, that’s how many of us were too when we played in bands!