NYC Indie Pop Band on the rise: Napoleon

For Napoleon, life has plenty of frustrations, but all you need to do is allow yourself to take a deep breath to realize how beautiful things are. That amazingly deep philosophical moment was proven to be true by my first listen to their strong debut, ‘Successs.’ Produced by lo-fi wizard Kevin McMahon, the record shows that this band has a certain vision for their mid-tempo rock that includes impassioned pleas for mortality (‘I Won’t Let You Die’) snug up against half-hearted attempts at meeting women (‘City Girls’). A very fun record, but not a shallow one – this is beach music for the real world. So no matter your mood, these guys probably know how to put a jangly groove to it. See the band next month when they play Shea Stadium Jan 31. Streaming below record opener "Sarafan" – video here. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)

This song was added to our SoundCloud playlist of emerging NYC artists here.