Artist Feature and Ticket Giveaway: Big Tree’s EP Release Show with French Cassettes and Chrystian Rawk

When Big Tree got around to recording Little EP, they didn’t each condemn themselves to anechoic solitary confinement; instead, they took a more organic approach and recorded all three songs together in one hyper-productive, ten-hour session onto a reel of 2” tape. Onto the result, they added three more songs, recorded live at San Francisco’s Rickshaw Stop.

The result is a warm, ecstatic album, human to its very core. Infused with relentlessly singable mantras, raw and emotive vocals, and soul-bolstering instrumentals, the album is a barefoot walk on warm soil where so many others are trips to IKEA. If there is one argument against the over-tinkered immaculacy that pervades so much pop music, Little EP is it.

Read more about Big Tree’s new EP in this interview I nabbed.

Now, down to business: I have a pair of tickets to Big Tree’s Little EP release show on Nov. 15 at Café du Nord, with other local pop must-sees French Cassettes and Chrystian Rawk. The third person to shoot an email to gets ‘em.

Stream and download the new EP here. Hint: if you download, you get sheet music for endless sing-alongs. 

-Gracie Gutman