A Place to Bury Strangers release video for ‘I’m All Up’ + play Bowery on November 18

Following the release of their third album "Worship" early this summer, A Place To Bury Strangers recently revealed their new music video for ‘I’m All UP’ (below), off the slightly softer edged full-length which came as the latest in a gradual slip away from the band’s original devastatingly abrasive shoegazing. On the backdrop of this sweet, shamelessly melodic, effects-encrusted pop downer, the video portrays an epic massacre of an army of toys, real-life recreation of a young boy’s fantasy, orchestrated by Oliver Ackermann’s brother Karl, who calls it a ‘Toy Story IV: Battle Royale’ – check it out below. APTBS’ US tour, which kicked off October 27th in Richmond, VA, will find them heading back home to headline the Bowery Ballroom on November 18th, as one of their last dates with Philly-based shoegazers Bleeding Rainbow. Streaming below also the single ‘You Are the One.’ – Tracy Mamoun