Artists on Trial: Schwervon!

Schwervon! is the newest, hottest band to hit Kansas City. They recently located here from NYC and have already had a successful career together, opening for acts like The Vaselines and Belle & Sebastian. The dynamic duo of Nan Turner and Matt Roth sits down with us and gives us a little introduction to who they are.

The Deli: Gun to your head: one sentence to describe your music.  What is it?

Schwervon!: A writer once summed it up pretty well for us: "A celebration of imperfect love through jagged rock minimalism."

The Deli:  Let’s talk about your latest release or upcoming shows. What can we expect?
Schwervon!: We’re like a box of damaged chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. But at least you know it’ll be interesting and not perfect. Our shows have a lot to do with the people that come to them. If the energy is right, we could break out into a discussion on stage about what it’s like to move back in with your parents in the middle of your life. Or we could put our heads down and rock the fuck out for 40 minutes and people can dance their asses off.

For our next KC show (August 18 at Davey’s) we’re thinking of introducing a new lighting effect called "The Kick Drum Lamp".

Also coming up: Back to School Mini-Tour!
August 26 @ Birdys, Indianapolis, IN
August 27 @ Buzzbin Art & Music Shop, Canton, OH
August 30 @ Bell House, Brooklyn, NY (opening for The Vaselines!)
September 1 @ Paradise Lost, New Brunswick, NJ
September 2 @ The Dunes, Washington, DC
September 4 @ Blue Nile, Harrisonburg, VA
September 6 @ Omega Music, Dayton, OH
September 7 @ Heavy Anchor, St. Louis, MO

*September 28 @ The Riot Room (our record release party!!! more details coming soon!)

The Deli:  What does “supporting local music” mean to you?

Supporting local music is supporting yourself. It’s no different than supporting your local food co-op or farmers market or independently owned shop. It’s a way you can live a fulfilling life while staving off Big Business Corporate Evil that has no invested interest in the details of your daily happiness. 
The Deli: Who are your favorite “local” musicians right now?

Schwervon!: Folkicide, The Cave Girls, Deco Auto, Soft Reeds, The Quivers, Cowboy Indian Bear, The Ants and Radkey. To be fair, we are still in the process of discovering the rich fabric of KC local music! Ask us in a week and there may be 5 more bands!.

The Deli: Who are your favorite not-so-local musicians right now?
The Schwervon! trinity all-time favorites are probably Pixies, Yo La Tengo, and Sonic Youth. But more "now" bands we like are Grass Widow, Jeff Lewis, Sleepy Kitty, The Vaselines. Matt likes the new Japandroids. We also discover new "old" music every week, in the form of cheap vinyl at the Cowtown Mallroom.

The Deli: What is your ultimate fantasy concert bill to play on?

Schwervon!: We’re about to go play one actually! We’re opening for The Vaselines in Brooklyn on August 30. Curating an All Tomorrow’s Party Festival would also be a good job to have…
The Deli: Would you rather spend the rest of your life on stage or in the recording studio?
Nan: On stage! I like playing our songs for an audience, and unlike recording, I don’t have to listen to take after take of what went wrong!
Matt: We’ve recently evolved into the mindset that for us playing better together live results in a better recording. I love working in the studio, but I hate recording my own band. I love playing live with Nan.

The Deli:
 A music-themed Mount Rushmore.  What four faces are you putting up there and why?

Schwervon!: This question makes our heads hurt. We’re not big fans of things set in stone. Put the Rolling Stones up there and we can move on!
The Deli:  All right, give us the rundown.  Where all on this big crazy web can you be found? 

The Deli:  Always go out on a high note.  Any last words of wisdom for the Deli audience?

Schwervon!: Eat something green every day.
Break free of the 5 day-40 hour work week.
Prepare, prepare, prepare. Then let go.

You can see Schwervon! in action this Saturday, August 18 at Davey’s Uptown. This will be the duo’s only show in Kansas City before embarking on their Back To School Mini-Tour. They’ll be playing with Drew Black & Dirty Electric and The Electric Lungs.

-Michelle Bacon

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