Digital submissions: The Clox plays Living Room on 08.11

One of the best things about New York is how so many people, hailing from the world over, can congregate in the same place, and somehow they (we) all end up calling this land home for one reason or another. One of the most intriguing things about this situation is how good a lot of people from overseas have become in producing the "indie rock" music originally coming from the U.S. Take The Clox for example. Hailing from Kazakhstan, the group has set up shop here in Manhattan to show us all how a lot of this heavy rock business is supposed to be done.

Listen to the anthem ‘Jules Verne’ off their latest EP of the same name, and tell me these guys don’t know how to do it. Their unique cross between bands like INXS and Oasis does what this band is good at: sounding familiar and exotic at the same time. The rest of the EP follows this formula closely, leaving almost no stone unturned in carving out a large sound that just might work anywhere in the world.

After performing at Santos Party House on July 27, the band will take over The Living Room on August 11. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)