New to the scene: Cold Blood Club plays Manhattan Bridge Archway on 08.09

So apparently singer Kendra is now into white guys. It’s true. Cold Blood Club’s new single ‘White Boyz’ (streaming below) reads almost like a wanted ad from some strange site where black girls look to take advantage of naive Caucasian gentlemen (ok, it sounds like an awesome site… and the kind of thing we are all for!)

While the Brooklyn act has always had a knack for biting, dance floor energy like in anthemic single ‘Ladies & Gentlemen,’ never before have they sounded this pungent. It’s a good thing for a new band that’s already played around town with members from TV on the Radio (Tunde), and set to continue burning through the club circuit when they take on CMJ this fall. See them live at the Manhattan Bridge Archway in Dumbo on August 9. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)