Weekly Feature: JBM

JBM, the moniker of solo artist Jesse Bryan Marchant, underscores each song with a howl of the isolation and yearning of a much older soul. Originally from Montreal, Canada, Marchant is now based in Brooklyn and Los Angeles, and has released a follow-up to his “only in July” debut called “Stray Ashes.” The singer has already drawn favorable comparisons to that of Justin Vernon of Bon Iver and Jim James of My Morning Jacket, due in large part to haunting reverb on songs like “Only Now” and “Winter Ghosts.” JMB records most of his work in a cabin in a rainy northern New York town, giving his music an undertone of isolation as he searches within himself. Though JBM may not initially strike an immediate chord with all listeners, it’s in his music’s subtleties that channel his emotionally wrought spirit and draws in audiences. – Read Devon Antonetti’s interview with the artist here.