Parachute Musical’s Josh Foster Goin’ Solo

In his premiere post-Parachute Musical performance, Josh Foster took the stage as a solo artist last Tuesday at 3rd & Lindsley. After spending the past seven years as the lead songwriter and singer of Parachute Musical, the band’s recent breakup has left the artist with full creative control of his new venture. "I’ve always liked the fellowship of a band so that’s just how it’s always been. Nowadays, even though I’m playing with a band, I’m striking out on my own in the sense that the majority of the decision- making process lies on my shoulders. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but it’s definitely different."

Fans of Parachute Musical will recognize the stripped and undiluted lyrical style of the singer’s new music, but songs like "Tired Of This Motel" are a departure from anything they’ve heard before. Foster has taken an obvious step away from writing songs based on his past and seems to be moving toward singing about his present, focusing less on regret and hindsight and more on things like love and burning motels to the ground.

Josh Foster’s career has closely documented his personal life, from addiction to disappointment to the birth of a child, but the musician seems to be taking his most recent transition in stride. "A lot of people would probably call me a hobbyist since I don’t make a solid living playing music, but I consider myself [a musician]. I’ve paid a lot of dues, toured everywhere, slept on floors forever, lived out of a shitty van that I miss terribly these days. I don’t know when you cross the threshold of hobbyist to musician, but it feels like I’m there… just still paying dues, I guess. I’m having fun, though." – Brianne Turner