Rockin’ NYC: Those Mockingbirds

Unlike their name, Those Mockingbirds aren’t mimics of their NY/NJ musical counterparts. Instead, the Montclair-based five-piece produces a refreshing brand of pop-rock, synthesizing heavy guitars, graceful guitar and violin lines, and multi-part vocals. Their record, “Fa Sol La,” released just last month and available for free here, features a mix of songs and musical interludes, including “Mountain Slang I” which begins with gentle waves of sound then segues into crashing guitars on “Coast to Coast,” folksy and balladic “Don’t Stray,” polka-esque “The Bloodiest Gums,” visceral “We’re Animals,” “Fa Sol La” comes full cirlce with serene instrumental track, “Mountain Slang II.” The album is also available in vinyl from various musical outlets for those who prefer the classic packaging. –Meijin Bruttomesso
