Creepoid Homecoming at Silk City March 6

Us Deli-ers (does that even sound right?) love it when local favorites get the recognition they deserve. And that is definitely the case for the beloved Creepoid. First, they snagged top honors in our Philly 2011 Poll for Best Emerging Artists (see Philly Mag how I didn’t use “Best of Philly” so we shouldn’t get any threatening emails today, right?). Then they signed with No Idea Records (FYI – their killer full-length Horse Heaven, which drops March 20, is available for preorder HERE and comes with bonus tracks from their debut EP Yellow Life Giver. BOOM!) And, to top it off, they were nominated in the Philly Band of the Year category for Tri-State Indie Music Awards (they came in second, but you already know who we think really deserved it). Can’t help be proud of those creeps (see what I did there?), and you can show your pride tonight by welcoming them home from their mini-tour at Silk City, where they’ll play with fellow label and tour mates Shores, Canada’s Cousins, and a former Deli Featured Artist(s) Poll winner Harsh Vibes, who, if you didn’t see our post yesterday, will soon release their debut digital single, “Magic Pentagram.” Dare I say it will be a magical night. Silk City, 435 Spring Garden St., 9pm, $8, 21+ (Michael James Murray) – Annamarya Scaccia