Psalmships Opening for Purples at KFN March 2

One line can only truly describe Pslamships’ sound: Sunlight cutting through the trees, washing the dusty sky of an early morning Sunday drive. Sure, it’s a description heavily reliant on visualization, but it’s entirely appropriate, especially when you hear the sparse rural folk that comes out of Pslamships’ fingertips. Listen to "Cannon" off of their EP, HYMN OF LIONS, which will be released later this month, and you’ll understand perfectly (preorder the physical copy now and receive an immediate digital download of the EP. Yay!) The slow-burning melody is eerily beautiful in its dreary but hopeful typology – a desperate longing cut by searing moments of anxious optimism. You’ll have chance to experience all that tonight at Kung Fu Necktie when Pslamships open for the ever-evolving Purples (former members of the Teeth) (BONUS: the Spinto Band’s Nick Krill will spin after the show). And if you can’t wait for tonight or for HYMN OF LIONS to drop, visit HERE and pick up not only Psalmships’ latest album, Dark Marches, but their two recently-released "Best Of" collections, Manipulator and Pastures, which both feature tracks from out-of-print or unavailable records. Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St., 8pm, $10, 21+ – Annamarya Scaccia