Interview with Lucky Dub: DC Deli’s Band of the Month (November)

DC’s frontrunners when it comes to combo-ing up some reggae with dub with funk with ska with etc etc etc is hands down Lucky Dub who killed it in our recent poll for Band of the Month. From the large line-up of musicians, we got a hold of John Baker (bass guitar) and Gordon Daniels (vocals/acoustic guitar) to shed some light on what makes Lucky Dub so dubtastic. Here they talk about worldwide reggae, Patty Boom Booms, and their upcoming Remix EP. Now on to the interview...

Lucky Dub’s release Mindset is now available. Check out this video of them performing "Freedom Man" at DC9 with special guest vocalist Mamoudou Balde from Senegal. And catch them at Ram’s Head Live in Baltimore on Nov. 12.