Get your Hands on some new music

Even though we’re all the way on the other side of the country, if you follow new music, it’s impossible to escape coverage of CMJ over in New York. Living vicariously through other people’s blog posts, we can get a similar experience. One of the buzzed about bands from LA is a group called Hands. They meld swirling, trippy riffs with pop-song sensibilities to create songs that are impossible not to sway to. The four-piece has immense technical skill that is obvious when you hear them live (or at least watch their live videos on Youtube) that only adds to the fun and fresh sounds they are creating. Along with thee CMJ showcases they did this past week, the band has given a present to all of us that couldn’t catch that red-eye to New York. They released their song, "Warm Night Home", as a single, which is a dizzying loop and sample driven journey that remains grounded by a sold drum line and vocalist Geoffrey Halliday’s striking voice. Also, they have a Daytrotter session for your listening pleasure. Happy listening! – Taylor Lampela