Drunken Sufis new video

Drunken Sufis recently released "Death Cult Summer Camp," a 17-song collection of manic, sharply satirical bursts of "conspiracy prog-punk." The band recently played for Panopticon360, a new webseries featuring bands playing in recording studios or live shows and filmed with panoramic, 360 degree cameras. The first season of the show also features DD/MM/YYYY, Tombs, Pterodactyl, Zs, La Otracina, Endless Boogie, Home Video and Weird Owl. Episodes are released every Tuesday at panopticonnyc.com and youtube.com/panopticonnyc. – (as posted in The Deli’s Open Blog – post your band’s entries, videos, and Mp3s here). The Deli’s NYC Open Blog is powered by The Music Building and APS Mastering.