Weekly Feature 224b: A Million Years

Brooklyn-based A Million Years released last month their debut full-length album, “Mischief Maker,” filled with guitar- and percussion-heavy indie rock ditties. Formed in early 2007 by Keith Madden (former touring guitarist in Pin Me Down and Longwave), he was joined by Andrew Samaha, Andrew Vanette, and Nick Werber to create Mischief Maker. The boys’ loud rock combines classic indie and punk spirit with a healthy dose of electronica and synth. Madden’s vocals add a moody melancholy to the otherwise catchy choruses. Keep tabs of the guys on tour with their new mobile app [http://tinyurl.com/2ajvmes] and get laid while listening to “Poster Girl,” per the band’s recommendation. – Read Whitney Phaneuf’s interview with the band here.