Meet The Lonely Wild

In the fall of 2009, Andrew Carroll’s former six-year band had run its course, his grandmother died after a serious battle with drug addiction, and he married his long-time love. From pain to bliss, these events swirled into lyrics and melodies. Over the course of the next six months Carroll woke each morning with a melody in his head that had to be turned into a finished piece by that night.

With an arsenal of songs, he then called on former bandmate Ryan Ross (keys, bass, trumpet, vocals) and newcomers Jennifer Talesfore (vocals, percussion, keys), Andrew Schneider (guitar, percussion), and Edward Cerecedes (drums, percussion) to help transform these songs into orchestrated ensemble works. The Lonely Wild looks to the American West, drawing influence from the ever-poignant Woody Guthrie, contemporaries Wilco, and the legendary Ennio Morricone whose sonic vision defined a genre for generations. Their music, at once spirited and woeful, accomplishes the contradictory feat of reminding a listener of something they’ve never heard.

-From The Open Blog