Rising Lo-Fi NYC Bands: Quilty – Live at Silent Barn on 11.04

Here’s some tasty candy for all you mp3 trick-or-treaters: a new Quilty tracks based on Charles Burns’ teenage sex-and-horror graphic novel Black Hole. The song featured here is "Lizard Queen." It’s a rollicking, libidinous chugger about "the bug," a sexually transmitted disease that causes its victims to develop bizarre physical mutations. Side B, "Chris on the Beach," (you can find it here) is a loose, fuzzy send-off to a murdered lover that ebbs softly over jammy, hazy guitars. It’s a little more sentimental than the first, but certainly no less grotesque, sleazy or gory (and we wouldn’t have it any other way). Happy Halloween, y’all! – (as posted in The Deli’s Open Blog – post your band’s entries, videos, and Mp3s here).

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