MFNW Pics! Hosannas! Shonen Knife! Smashing Pumpkins!

The Deli Portland, truth be told, is a goddamn small operation. Utilizing roughly the manpower equivalent to those who’ll be flocking to PGE Park for MLS Soccer when it comes to Stumptown next year (R.I.P. Beavers), our humble little corner of the Deli Magazine market is still in its infancy. So when the crowning achievement, relatively, of Portland’s musical menagerie descends upon this rose-strewn metropolis, we basically put our head down, pack a flask, and do our best.

Our best this year consists of a series of photographs by one Daniel Cronin, whose camera actually worked (unlike that of yours truly), and who actually possesses the technical skills to make it look like you missed out on everything. And you may have. So here are some amazing live shots from some of MFNW 2010’s best shows (read: the ones we could ably send out our meager armada to…) (re-read: about six shows total…) Onward!

Hosannas Live at Mississippi Studios September 17



Shonen Knife Live at Mississippi Studios September 17

Smashing Pumpkins Live at Wonder Ballroom September 18

What shows should we have made, Deli Portland readers? Don’t count Sleep, NoMeansNo, the amazing Riot Act Media free show at Rontom’s on Sunday, The Oh Sees or The Thermals… Let us know in how many ways we blew it!

 – Photos by Daniel Cronin (who did not blow it)