MEISA Math Rock Showcase Tonight at U. New Haven


Looking for something to do with your Thursday night?  Need a math rock fix?  The Music and Entertainment Industry Students Association (University of New Haven chapter) is launching a math rock showcase tonight at the University of New Haven’s German Club.  Even if you don’t necessarily need a math rock fix (or if you don’t really know exactly what math rock is), you should catch this bill.

The lineup is far-reaching and varied, and sees veterans of the game sharing the stage with fresher talent.  Giraffes? Giraffes! is a duo from Northampton, Massachusetts, and their juxtaposition of calculated twitching and expansive nigh post rock movements lifts the genre to rarely mined potential.  Like Nomads (West Warwick, RI) is a five piece that takes the traditional tapped guitar, stumbling rhythms, and stabs of dissonance, and adds warbling synths and lo-fi noodling – it’s a rather psychedelic angle, and it works.  Zona Mexicana (Purchase, NY) is a fast-moving onslaught of frenetic meter and kicks, side by side with layers of in-your-face vocals – something like math punk.  Good Citizens, a duo local to Connecticut, lets the tempo push and pull while keeping an incredibly tight guitar-drum chemistry; Full of Birdy (MA and RI) shares some of the same territory, but the thorny, "mathy" sections are dense and the open parts have an almost Primus-like twang to them.  Shrk Wk might have some of the densest movements to be found on the bill, and is probably the band most likely to cause a head banging-induced concussion.

The showcase is free, by the way.  So get down there at 7:30pm and see where some of the new voices in math rock are pushing the genre.

There are a lot of bands and some are traveling far, so the line-up may change only slightly (from bottom to top):

Giraffes? Giraffes!
Zona Mexicana
Like Nomads
Good Citizens
Shrk Wk
Full of Birdy

The Deli Staff