Holy Ghost plays at PS1 on September 04

“We’ve been making our own music since we were 13. It feels like it always did— arduous but necessary,” says Alex Frankel of the clubby-cool, electronic-based Holy Ghost! Clearly, this sense of necessity comes from a commitment to both passion and roots – both Frankel, and music soul mate/band mate/life mate, Nick Millhiser, have been in love with music, and New York, since, well, forever. So, how appropriate that the duo, along with their new live show band members, will be performing this Saturday at the chic music-praising, New York artists- embracing PS1. You should check it out – their seventies dance’y jams will be totally worth the heat (and wind…maybe rain… thanks Earl). And if their catchy sound isn’t convincing enough for you, or you’re too lazy to make that pretty effortless trek to Queens, remember that this will be the last PS1 Warm Up. I mean, how else were you planning on ending your summer with a hipster filled sonic boom? – Alex Daly