Weekly Feature #217a: The Sundelles – Live at Bowery on 09.10-11

This Brooklyn three-piece, made up of Sam Sundoes, Davey Sarantos and Trevor Mcloughlin are creating lo-fi, catchy songs with creative melodies and straightforward vocals. With songs like “Keep it to Yourself,” The Sundelles bumbling, buzzing tunes create washed out blazes of sound with their fuzzy instrumentals while maintaining a clear melodic, bouncy tune with upbeat singing. Not the mention the group seems to have an affinity for young children, confetti, and balloons. In both music videos on their website, confetti is flying through the air, and in several photos and one video, there are adorable little children present. The Sundelles seem to be a band that likes to have a good time and show it through bright sounds, energetic drums and guitar, as well as their personality as a band. They seem like they have fun all the time, which is awesome. – Read Lauren Piper’s Q&A with the band here.