Deathbeds, Towers and Bubonic Bear at North Star Sept.2

Deathbeds, Towers, Bubonic Bear – just their names alone make it sound like their set tonight at North Star Bar is going to be a summit of death and destruction. But that’s how I like it – intense aural beatdowns that pound and rip at your ear drums, causing you to explode in a frenzy of head bangs and body slams. Okay, so that’s a little excessive, but it’s hard not to get all extreme when you have Deathbeds’ brutal, guttural, riff-filled hardcore, Towers mile-a-minute punk metal assaults and Bubonic Bear’s crazed noise punk (plus Austin’s Today is the Day) under one roof. North Star Bar, 2639 Poplar Street, 8pm, $12, 21+ (Poster by Mike Wohlberg) – Annamarya Scaccia