White Fang w/ Numerators and Magic Johnson Friday at East End

Sometimes I find myself in the mood for poorly produced music. Just focusing on some passion rolling through the cones of your speakers can relax the inner critic. No need to strain the ears for chord changes or ruffle your cerebral cortex in an effort to detect if the vocalist is slightly sharp of flat. Just enjoy it; loud, mangy, guitar-driven garage rock for your pleasure.

Please direct your attention to the White Fang show with Numerators and Magic Johnson at East End this Friday starting at 9 p.m. Also, make sure to check out White Fang’s fun short video (for a short song) for the track, "Space Gemz,"

White Fang released their first record fall of last year entitled Pure Evil, which Willamette Week reviewed saying, "Pure Evil is the rare record where everything sounds like crap—only, you know, in a good way."


Enjoy, kids! Show is 21 and over, and will set you back a meager $6.

Joel Sommer