Artist(s) Who Deserve Your Friendship: Creepoid

So I’ve been gravitating toward the debut tracks from Creepoid, a new local lo-fi psych dream pop outfit. They’ll have 30 test press 7” records available for their EP Yellow Life Giver out on Phonographic Arts tonight when they open for lo-fi California dreamin’ Best Coast and West Philly 1-2-knockout-punch combination Reading Rainbow at The Barbary. I liked Creepoid’s description of themselves from our Open Blog (yes, we do read and check them out whenever we get a chance) so I thought that I’d share it with you below, but with tracks like “My Rotten Tooth”, I think that the ghost of Kurt Cobain joined their beer-drinking and acid-taking hang with his acoustic guitar. Count me in too!

“Creepoid has a sad, dark sound that would definitely make your third eye cry. Think Beck and Lou Reed drinking beer at The Modern Lovers practice space listening to Mazzy Star on acid.”

Q.D. Tran