The Organ Beats @ Middle East Upstairs 1/9 (w/ Luxury, Conservitive Man and This Blue Heaven)

The Organ Beats – Sleep When We Are Dead from Ben Fee on Vimeo.

The Organ Beats play the Middle East Upstairs Saturday, 1/9. Part of show (guaranteed to make you forget it’s the middle of January and you live in New England) featuring Conservative Man‘s EP release. Indie-pop The Luxury and This Blue Heaven are also supporting. All the bands have 80’s rock undertones, which is good because I mean like Pixies/New Order 80’s with a 20-teens (I can’t think of a better term for this decade) energy. See you there?

In the meantime check out this interview the Deli’s Michael Spencer did with The Organ Beats. They are also up for Artist of the Year. Vote if you love them the most!

–The Deli Staff