Bans Off Our Bodies playlist

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pictured: 79.5

CLICK HERE to hear the brand new Deli playlist Bans Off Our Bodies and read on for more deets…

Over the past 1-3/4 years you may’ve noticed that yr humble musical servant and scribe, who happens to possess one Y chromosome. has been oft inclined to write about music featuring strong, uncompromising female voices (caveat: some of whom may not identify as female)…

…which is less by design and more b/c of all of the kickass indie/underground music routinely produced by those who are “marginalized” by entrenched power brokers due to whatever set of factors one of which of course being gender…

…factors such as the SCOTUS ruling on abortion which stripped roughly half the populace of bodily autonomy, a right to privacy, and a good measure of human dignity or at least attempted to do so…

…which is beyond infuriating and beyond this writer’s ability to fully comprehend in terms of the sheer horror show this must be for those most directly affected…

…and so as always I turn to music, which isn’t going to directly fix any of this but which at least is one of the best salves for trauma out there, not to mention a potent source of inspiration, a motivator for action, a path to understanding, a means to express fury and grief and all the feelings…

…ergo the 73-song playlist (over 40 of which have associated music videos, keep scrolling below!) which isn’t made up of “protest songs” per se (not mostly, anyway) but rather songs that could be helpful in the aforementioned ways. Or hell maybe you just need to rock out for 4 hours solid so please enjoy and thanks to all the brilliant musicians. (Jason Lee)
