Watch: The Addition debuts music video for gritty track “In Between”

Some argue that grunge music’s meteoric rise led to its eventual fantastic-flaming disintegration from general consciousness toward the end of the ‘90s; should we go with that argument, then finding its scattered fragments is a rare and beautiful experience indeed: enter Boston’s The Addition. The group’s new music video for its gritty single “In Between” is a grainy black and white dance of pale silhouettes surrendering to growling electric guitars and punchy drums. From pain-stricken vocals to quaking basslines, the group brings it all together for breakdowns that display grunge’s still-smoldering appeal. The Addition has done an excellent job of stoking curiosity for its next move with a song and video that displays the band most naturally. We are streaming the group’s new music video below for your enjoyment; careful, it is hot. – Rene Cobar