Ticket Giveaway: Deathfix w/ Pinback @ 9:30 Club 9/15

(From 930.com) "Deathfix formed in 2009 after Brendan Canty (Fugazi) and Rich Morel (Morel, Blowoff) met while touring in Bob Mould’s band. Having discovered a shared affinity for the sounds of 1972 – particularly glam and progressive rock – they started getting together to work on music at Canty’s warehouse studio space. Two years later, hoping to graduate the band from its studio-shut-in phase to its live ensemble phase, they recruited multi-instrumentalists Devin Ocampo (Faraquet, Medications) and Mark Cisneros (Medications) to hold down the rhythm section." And now they are on tour with Pinback!

9:30 has teamed up with us to get one Deli reader a couple spots on the list to this show happening on Sunday 9/15! All you have to do is email us by 3 PM on 9/9 and tell us your favorite Deathfix track. Please include your first and last name for guest list requirements. The winner will be emailed back. Tickets are still available here.