The Automatic Sun Drop New Single “Away”


"Away," the new Automatic Sun single, is the song you didn’t know you needed after living through the year 2020. And Lord Jeebus what a year that was. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been waiting your little heart out for new music that possibly reflects how we all feel inside after what last year put us through. This is one of those very songs, my friends.


The title "Away" gives you a first glance into the full meaning of this song, because, yeah, we all sort of feel like we’ve been away. The lyrics tell the story of someone basically being forced to stay where they are, while all the while feeling a longing to break free from their personal prison. While it could be easy to see this song as your typical "I miss you" ballad, personally I feel like the meaning is more of an expression of feeling trapped in quarantine — and that all too familiar longing for the world to be back normal again. Even the lyrics "take a year" at the end of each chorus is a nod to the year that pretty much all of us lost.


With a sound reminiscent of the 60 acid pop vibe making its way through Austin, it’s hard not to be taken into Mark Webb’s emotional journey into the creation of this song. I can hear influences from The Beatles and even Cage The Elephant. It’s easy to feel like you’re basking in the sun on a mild spring afternoon when this song plays. 


These guys have an EP, and 2 singles released on their Bandcamp page, so there’s enough music to wet your whistle. With the dark melancholy tone of "Away" and lyrics deep enough to rival anything out there right now, I’m certainly looking forward to any new music these guys have to offer.


– Michael Lee