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nyc scene blog
nyc scene blog





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a blog about stompboxes and DIY recording
nyc scene blog
sharing the load – at what price?
Most bands that succeed beyond the local level eventually do so with the aid of a manager. What does this person do, aside from collect a healthy cut of the money? We interviewed 2 NYC managers and 1 publicist with different experiences in the local scene to help us understand. by Paolo De Gregorioread the article.

the name is what you are selling
  The reputation and recognition of an artist’s music is built around the artist’s professional name, which is what consumers use to identify the artists they enjoy. Therefore, an individual artist or group pursuing a career in the music industry should take the necessary steps to protect his, her or its professional name. by Christopher R. Chase, Esq. read the article.


what can they do for your band?
In this day and age, we should be thankful that college radio still exists. While commercial frequencies pump the same boring playlists into every city, college radio provides unique, local voices to the airwaves and internet. – read the article by Liz Schroeter here .

Career Survival Guide
it’s not just about the music
A music carreer IS all about surviving – at least in the early stages. This survival guide will help you think of different ways to keep your focus on building your brand and creating a path for success. If you think of yourself as your own small business, then the following information can become your personal marketing plan. – read on. – courtesy of BMI.

nyc scene blog
1. Recording: Home vs Studio
  the question is: can YOU do it?
Indie producer/musician Bruce Kaphan (R.E.M., David Byrne, Red House Painters, American Music Club) analyzes pros and cons of recording the DIY way – read the article.


2. Choosing a Recording Studio
pick carefully + things to consider
What do you need to look for in a recording studio? In this article you’ll find all the advice you need about equipment, engineers, rooms, rates, and ways of approaching the recording experience. by Paolo De Gregorioread the article.

3. Planning Recordings
be prepared, have a budget
Steven Alvarado, a NYC studio manager provides precious advice on how to approach the recording of your CD. "When you enter the studio, have a plan. Map out what you want to accomplish each day so that you have a realistic idea of how much time you will need to complete your project. It’s best to be as prepared as possible." by pdgrea d the article.

4. Do You Need a Producer?
and: don’t waste studio time!
Making a recording is a tangle of pragmatism, technology, alchemy and faith. As is the case with any creative venture, you cannot know what you’ll get for your efforts until you go through the process; it’s always a gamble. Having a plan and a budget can be really useful. by B. Kaphanread the article.

5. Drums in the Studio
performance and recording tips
Drummers shouldn’t miss this article! 4 Top NYC producers answer our questions on how to perform, hit, and tune the drums in recording situation. And… is your drummer tight and can he/she play to the click? by Paolo De Gregorioread the article.

6. Ten Tips For Recording Guitars
from the pick to the amp
Recording guitars, although easy at first can be a challenge when you really want to achieve a great sound. Here are some helpful tips to improve your guitar recording chops. – by Shane O’Connorread the article.

7. Recording Vocals
not as easy as you might think
Recording vocals might not seem alike the most challenging task when producing a CD, but this delicate and crucial process often ends up being quite draining and taking longer than expected – by Paolo De Gregorioread the article.

8. What does Mastering do?
what it is and why it is!
Mastering is a process that not many emerging musicians are fully familiar with. One of the most succesfull NYC mastering engineer tells us all about this "secret" art.– by Paolo De Gregorioread the article.