Summer Playlist Bingo

 The time is almost here for summer fun! And for summer fun, you need summer music! As in, summer music conveniently organized in playlist form! Obviously! As in a MASSIVE EIGHT-HOUR-PLUS SPOTIFY PLAYLIST of songs both old and new (but mostly new) that have a summer theme, or a summer vibe, or an "I’m playing this while it’s summer" thing going on! And then, after you’ve taken a sick day off from work and risked getting fired to listen to the Spotify playlist, you can spend untold hours more viewing the custom-made YouTube playlist below–cleverly titled Beach Blanket Bedlam–which includes not only a bunch of cool music videos (and not very much overlap with the Spotify playlist) but also all kinds of wacky commercials and film trailers and news segments and other visual ephermera tied to summer somehow.

Wait. What? What’s that you say? It’s almost over? Summer’s almost over? Uhhhhh whut?

Well, I guess summer is almost over. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy some beach-appropriate-music while you’re raking leaves and baking pies and crying salty tears into the homemade crust you made for the pie because fall is here and summer is over. IT’S OVER!! JUST DEAL!!

What, what? Ahhhh, ok. So summer doesn’t end for almost a month. On September 21, you say? And it doesn’t even end "unofficially" until after next weekend and Labor Day. So yeah, then…..Better get out there now! HURRY! Summer fun is waning!! FUN FUN FUN FUN!!!! You’re on a summer countdown clock dammit so better get to work!

And hey, along these lines, if you happen to be in the vicinity of Rockaway Beach at 94th Street (Queens, NYC) on Sunday 8/29 you can get in some last seasonal jollies at the NO NEW WAVE FEST 2 which FEATURES SIX HIGH QUALITY LOCAL BANDS playing live on the boardwalk starting at 2PM. And yeah, OK, it’s not exactly supposed to be sunny. But it’s not supposed to rain either. And since beggars can’t be choosers esp when there’s only about a week (or three weeks, or who-the-hell-knows-how-long….) left to Summer 2021 you’d better just get out there dammit!! 

P.S. And here’s one last thought re: "things you should do" while I’m handing out orders here —-> You should follow THEE DELI on Instagram if you don’t already. Because if you did, you woulda already known about the two playlists above weeks ago. And while you may live your life with regret until next summer knowing what-could-have-been you never know there may be a Fall or Winter playlist in the making. (Jason Lee)