
Shmu’s Bandcamp page (that you should go to, what for the good music listening) uses the following words to describe their music: “dream pop/shoegaze meets glitchy psych RN fusion sexy baseball loversauce.” That kind of trailing off into the descriptical nonsensical-lovely comes off more than a bit off-kilter, but for Shmu’s pop-gone-odd sound, it fits just right. For once, getting abstract in a band descrip actually feels straight-up honest and useful.

Trying to get at this solo project (that sounds like a whole band)’s sound without getting weird and lovely plain wouldn’t work. You might hear a bit of shoegaze in there, sure, and maybe Toro y Moi comes to mind in the synthy bits, but there’s more than a good many somethings in this music that belong entirely to itself. That, then, Shmu is also one half of an Austin staple band that actually does kinda does keep this city weird in Zorch is no surprise at all. Oh and apparently this guy will write a personalized song for you, if you but ask? It seems to me like it’s high time that we all know Shmu. And to know Shmu, is to have a serious, hard love for Shmu.