Red Bull Sound Select: Yacht, Wampire and Snowblind Traveler

Tomorrow night, the Redbull Sound Select concert series is back at Mississippi Studios, this month featuring YACHT, Wampire and Snowblind Traveler. There is a crossfire of guitar riffs, funky-fast bass, and glitchy synths that make up the extreme dance party of YACHT.  The harmonies of Jona Bechtolt and Claire Evans headily remind you that life is boring, and sometimes a dystopia, but it’s yours to enjoy. Their trust is an optimistic mix of disco with some influences from Daft Punk, Talking Heads, and samples (like the Knight Rider theme on "See A Penny") that expresses hedonistic euphoria through sparkling electropop. Summer is here (practically) and YACHT is back in Portland from LA to help us celebrate. Local psychedelic pop rockers Wampire and Bay Area folksters (reminiscent to Elliot Smith) Snowblind Traveler will add to the fun. RSVP HERE to secure entry to the show for only $3!

Brandy Crowe