Premiere: Albon releases “Kids on Fire”

photo credit: Mike Cardiello

Alexander B. Lappin aka Albon, began making music in his Northern Chicago suburban bedroom when he was but a boy of twelve. He eventually made his way over to California, where he makes folk rock music with Beach Boys and Grizzly Bear influences; we hear a touch of REM and a little Magnetic Fields, too. This new single off Albon’s Dream Weaver//Bee Keeper has a fun yet distressed energy about it. Lappin says of this song’s creation story that it was “…written in a pretty funny way!” Lappin and some friends were filming a tequila commercial and they all took a tiny bite of mushroom to go with that tequila. “I ended up on a roof where I was still very sad about my breakup but was also very high on this little stem of mushroom. I ended up laughing as hard as I ever had and then crying hysterically. It was all very cathartic. After words me and my two friends went for pancakes at some classic diner. I then went home and wrote this song." We do love a good story. The Deli is proud to premiere Albon’s single, “Kids on Fire.” –Michelle Kicherer, Associate Editor