Post-Punk Takes Over Green Noise Tonight

Ritual Veil have been pretty inescapable since they hit the scene, and for good reason. The post-punk/sex beat trio’s debut EP Wolf In The Night hasn’t lost momentum since its release in late summer of last year, likely due to its refreshing yet stylistically pure spin on old school goth and new wave. Ritual Veil’s beats, sensual synths and smooth croons are addicting and mesmerizing to watch.

There’s a chance to catch Ritual Veil doing an early set tonight at Green Noise Records. Sharing the stage with them is newer anarcho-deathwave quartet Over and the synthesized experimental sounds of Xibling. It’s free, all ages, and an intimate way to be enticed by these three acts in one setting. Space will be incredibly limited, so if you want to catch peeks it’s best to get there early. In the mean time, get lost in Ritual Veil’s video for "Wolf In The Night" below.