Party Boyz One Year Anniversary and Zine Release

Tonight, Bunk Bar plays host to local music podcasterz Party Boyz one year anniversary and inaugural zine and compilation release party. Helping the Boyz celebrate these great milestones, in an all-time powerhouse bill, are Genders, And And And, and Sama Dams. The Party Boyz’ brand-spanking-new zine, features art and contributions from various local musicians and tastemakers including Hustle & Drone, Radiation City, Wooden Indian Burial Ground, and Banana Stand Media. Additionally, Party Boyz have put together compilation CDs featuring tracks, including some previously unreleased material, from bands who have appeared on the first season of the podcast. The first 50 people in the door tonight get a free copy of the compilation, as well as first stab at the best seats in the house for an amazing night of music. The show begins at 9pm, and the cover is $7.

 Travis Leipzig