Oh Land plays Backyard Brunch Sessions at Bklyn Bowl on 11.8

Music and food are the central elements of any great party and Backyard Brunch Sessions brings you both. BBS began as a music industry supper club hosted by SoundCtrl blog editor, David Chaitt, and evolved into the food and music showcase that takes place in his Williamburg backyard today. Teaming up with NYC Taper and West Egg Productions, Chaitt produces ten-minute video shorts, part cooking show part music video, in which he and the band cook brunch for their backyard audience before the performance. For this innovative series, Chaitt asks acts to play an acoustic set which, in many instances, challenges musicians to re-imagine their songs. Even if you’ve heard the bands before, BBS captures them in a new light. Chaitt is now bringing back some of his favorite Backyard acts with their usual instrumentation for a showcase at Brooklyn Bowl on November 8. The night, aptly named Brunch After Dark, will feature Oh Land, The Canon Logic, Fatty Acid, ARMS and The Courtesy Tier. Look up the previous BBS episodes on the Youtube Channel and catch them at Brooklyn Bowl on November 8th, doors open at 6:30. – Jenny Luczak