NYC artists on the rise: We Are The Woods, live at Rockwood on 09.24

Like many other indie kids, after a wild and rocking youth full of desdaing for all forms of tradition, we have slowly grown to enjoy folk music, in particular when it’s somehow "bastardized" – the redeeming quality! This is a concept that – although clashing with the immaculacy of their music – is pertinent to We Are The Woods. This NYC based group led by a female duo emplyos acoustic guitars and a variety of other instruments (strings, flutes, tubas, you name it) to craft beautiful, sophisticated and intense songs that are thoroughly enjoyable. The folk matrix is still audible, but here orchestral, pop and even psych elements take over the reins. As it often happens in softer music, the vocals are a crucial element, and the ladies deliver big time in this department. Their celestial voices (Jessie Murphy’s charismatic lead and Marcia Webb’s spot on backing vocals) transform good songs into beautiful, arresting gems. We are very curious to see this band live – the next opportunity is at Rockwood on September 24.