New Myths’ polished punk shines on “Bad Connection”

Mixing a health dose of early 00s alternative and riot grrrl energy (with a raucous electronic bent), Brooklyn’s New Myths return with new track “Bad Connection,” a scorching, take-no-prisoners ride. Lyrically marked by free associative imagery that evokes the general restlessness at the track’s core (descriptions of television static and disease abound), Bad Myths instrumentally charge forward, offsetting their often grunge-y subject matter with sunburnt power chords, dynamic vocal gymnastics, and pervasive synth arpeggios. Such contrast allows the band to truly hone their strengths, primarily their ability to create rock that’s both crusty and glitzy, channeling a punk subject matter in a way that’s more polished than most (while maintaining that indefatigable spirit). Recommended for fans of groups like Sleater Kinney and the B-52s, stream the single below, and keep an eye out for the group’s forthcoming EP “All the Shiny Things” out later this year. Original photo by Andrew Segreti