Mood Music: Sallo – “The Creeping Locust (L)”

Rumor has it Portland may be getting hit with some snow coming up soon. Will it be enough to lead us into forced snowpacalype hibernation? Doubt it, but if you’re into that sort of thing anyway, you likely know the importance of having premium tunes to soundtrack your isolation. Enter Sallo and in particular, their track "The Creeping Locust (L)."

Post-rock has made a glorious comeback in the city’s scene and Sallo, a strictly keys and drums endeavor done by Shelly Strunk and Mark Brittenburg, vaunts magic through experimental, haunting classical instrumentation. Their music has been featured on theater stages and in films and their collaborations span from work with string ensembles to comedy troupes. Now, let them serve as a score to your hopefully snowy confinement.

Sallo will be playing this Friday at the High Water Mark with shred-masters Toim and enlivened warrior princess metal from headliners Ice Princess