Macula Dog are from a different sonic planet: live at Silent Barn on 04.01

In art, there’s a fine line between terrible and genius, and it’s mostly defined by taste – but to a certain extent also experience. When you make the choice to get bombarded on a daily basis by music submissions, when you stumble upon something that sounds truly different you can’t help but take notice. Hailing from Queens, NYC, Macula Dog produces heavily… insane music, probably inspired by bizarre experimental bands like The Residents, Pere Ubu and who knows what other obscure weird records. Refreshingly though, these guys aren’t just experimental for the sake of being experimental: their songs are very well produced, and there is a recognizable style unifying their repertoire. We’ll spare you from describing them, just take a listen to "Jungle Swingers" below, or go see them at one of the many upcoming live shows they have scheduled in NYC (list here), and open up your mind!