Loop around with Other Lights and more tonight

Fans of pleasantly loopy, exploratory type rock have got an opportunity to catch some great under-the-radar acts at a showcase tonight for free at the Turn Turn Turn.

What tonight’s three billed bands share, though coming from somewhat different corners of it, is an experimental fuzziness that makes them all the more appealing. Clawfoot Slumber, who are releasing their new album The Stars Within You Beckon To Be Carried Forth From The Dark in mid-September, have got a dreamy, psych folk tinge to them. It’s fairly different from the heavy loop play coming from Other Lights, who lean more towards a mathy, progressive post-rock side of creation that is entirely too easy to get sucked into. Gladness finds their way almost in the middle, except with the shoegaze characteristics of My Bloody Valentine meets Slowdive with a J. Mascis type vocality. All in all, this lineup touches perfectly on a few different bits of experimental fun.

The show is free, for the 21+ crowd and starts at 8pm, so head out and enjoy.