Lili St Anne Album Release + Show

This coming Friday pop-folk ensemble Lili St Anne will be releasing their album, Bone Marrow. The first single, “Eveline” has generated plenty of buzz around the album, and there’s a reason why. In it, vocalist Elizabeth Fagan sings with a fluid, languid tone. She sings the way two lovers would dance in the moonlight; intense but unhurried. The song is passionate but is layered with a strong desire to stop and enjoy each moment as it passes. The accompanying drums and trombone turn her voice into a distant memory, both comforting and confusing. Each instrument is played with a gentle tenderness that is hard to produce with louder instruments. It melts into you, as calmly and smoothly as day turning into night.

If you want to check out “Eveline” live, Lili St Anne will be playing a release show this Friday, February 8th. It will take place at The Hallowed Halls, with doors opening at 7pm. Indira Valey and a special guest will be performing as well, which means you have all the more reason to go. You can find out more information on the event’s Facebook page, or buy tickets here.

  -By Avril Carrillo