Katie Ellen (w/ members of Chumped) plays Suburbia tonight (07.01) + Aviv on 07.17

Anika Pyle’s DIY pop-punk project Chumped ended their short careers in February, but Pyle and drummer Dan Frelly have started a new project called Katie Ellen, named after Pyle’s grandmother. The band is noticeably more lo-fi than Chumped, but the melodies and charm of Chumped are still present. In January they released a demo entitled “wild <3”, which features the single “lucy stone” (streaming below) that was released in late 2015. The track is centered around the anxieties associated with the pressures and expectations set by society, family, and loved ones. Pyle’s intimate vocals and poignant lyrics shine through the band’s lo-fi and fuzzy recordings. Katie Ellen will be playing the DIY space Suburbia in Brooklyn tonight (July 1st) and will play Aviv on July 17th. – John Honan