Just Lions EP Release at Mississippi Studios 10.2

With rain pounding outside I have begun to comprise my October playlist. In Halloween mode I came across a new track by local trio, Just Lions, called "Monsters". The track pounds open with tried and true rock-and-roll, hand-claps and Chandler Strutz’s warm vocals. Each of the four tracks on their new EP, Paper Cage showcase varying approaches that Just Lions take to stylize their sound of rock, pop and a little jazz. The title track has fat riffs that break into power-cowbell (showcasing the quick wrist of Andrew Shepard) and violin while "Othello" slows down into a dark, triple harmonized and bass heavy progression (Brady Strutz) ending in guitar solowork that elevates the song to end where spacy, digital electronics are autonomous with jazz brass. The lyrics are full of trepidation yet guitar fingerwork and unexpected bops are uplifting despite monsters of fear and regret. Catch the release party for Paper Cage with New Move and Bombs Into You! at Mississippi Studios on Oct 2nd. Get there early to grab a free, one-of-a-kind handmade copy of the EP (first 50 humans). – Brandy Crowe