John Spignesi Band calls up good spirits in new EP “three..”

If you need a breather from the tension of 2020 that seems to not let up, we got New Haven’s John Spignesi Band to help you relax for a while with a new EP titled three.. John Spignesi, the talented guitarist and vocalist of the band, has assembled a group of gents that know how to jam, sticky-good: Chris Mitchell provides the ambient keys in each track, Matt Alling some lightning-fast drum fills in “For you” and new bassist Joe Jeffery a growling bass intro in “The Bottom Line.” John Spignesi leads the way, in the way a jam band leader should, with a sense of fun above seriousness in performance, pressing importance in instrumental execution. In soulful rock tracks like “Make It Count,” it is easy to imagine a world connected, in the enjoyment of kind spirits and good stories. For the open road or the afternoon at home, there is three. streaming below. – Rene Cobar, photo by Isa Rose