James Rapp of The Rotaries releases solo ep “Twenty Moon”

James Rapp (lead singer/guitarist of The Rotaries) just released a solo EP “Twenty Moon” earlier this month, which sounds quite different from what we have come to expect based on his band’s sound. Instead of the Strokes-tinged rock & roll that The Rotaries have become associated with, “Twenty Moon” is more delicate in approach and features moody wurlitzer keys, acoustic guitars, and generous amounts of delay. Opening with “Twenty”, Rapp takes on Muswell Hillbillies era Kinks complete with sing-songy acoustic guitars and thumping bass and snare. Songs like “Jelly Jar” (streaming) and “Leaf Pile” feature the young singer’s warm and enveloping baritone voice. Without a single song going past the 4-minute mark, the record is short, sweet and ready for your stereo. – Sam Kogon (@samkogon)