Green and Glass orchestrate experimental pop on “14 Hours,” play the Footlight 11.6

At the core of Brooklyn-based experimental pop outfit Green and Glass is a mellifluous, dulcet harp—a texture that informs the group’s output with an ethereal and sometimes mysterious quality. Played by bandleader and singer Lucia Stavros (and flanked by a myriad of collaborators from bands like Cuddle Magic and Secret Sibling), her soft, almost whispering vocals, alongside Green and Glass’s various synths, horns, and drums craft a baroque-like march on the band’s debut single “14 Hours.” The synthesis of the group’s various parts manifests an orchestral quality, one that places the group squarely between chamber and synth pop; Green and Glass are tactile in the sounds they choose to incorporate, but do so in an off-kilter manner that embeds the entire track with a hazy, dream-like quality. Stream it below, and catch them at The Footlight on November 6th. -Connor Beckett McInerney